Sunday Weights

A quick squat update and question. So I am getting less laughs and quizzical looks when I do squats, still without weights, I stick my arms out in front to help with the balance and I push my knees forward first and then bend as if I’m sitting down and that is my current squat technique BUT it hurts my shins and lower leg more than it does my bum and thighs is that normal? The only thing that feels like it has been worked out the next day are my shins, I think its from the balancing? I think I may be doing something wrong.

Anyone got any tips?

Thanks for Reading xx

What I Wore… 22nd April 2014

So it is meant to be 18 today, fingers crossed and I have gone with light weight garments that still offer some cover for when it’s a bit chilly in the morning, I feel like a bit of a weather worshipper at the moment I do whatever the weather tells me!

I have gone with my patterned Forever 21 trousers, I need to get another pair so I can stop wearing these all the time! My COS black t-shirt. My H&M blazer and my New Look brown suede boots. Hopefully it will hit 18 and I won’t melt on the tube later and can enjoy a lovely sunny walk home!

For hair and make-up I saw a thing ages ago can’t remember where or when but it was about making a plait just knotting your hair, literally getting two pieces and tying them in a knot! So I though I would try that out today instead of a boring old plait. I kinda like it I think I can get the first one to lie a bit better next time but I did three knots then twisted the two strands at the end used a small elastic band and a hair slide to secure and it was done! So quick and easy!

I gone for a bit of colour on my lips with Show off from Topshop which is the one I can’t find any more but looks suspiciously like macaroon! Then just mascara!

Thanks for Reading xx


What I Wore … 17th April 2014

It was the big 1 year anniversary today and we also go a bit of sunshine so I wore my Zara Aztec skirt. My Zara embellished jumper. Tights from M&S and my new New Look lace up boots.

We also got let go at 4 for Easter so I had a very long Easter weekend it felt like it was much needed. We’ve being trying to decide where they should move the third May bank holiday day to instead of having it two weeks after, I think October is the winner so far. What do you think?

Thanks for Reading xx

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